
What is the best piece of golf putting advice you ever received?

The article discusses the best advice ever received for putting in golf. The advice includes keeping the putter square to the line, seeing the ball in the hole before you putt, and focusing on the speed of the putt. Additionally, keeping your head still during the stroke and visualizing the right line are also important factors. Finally, it is important to practice and stay confident when putting. All of these tips can help golfers improve their putting technique.

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Should I learn tennis or golf for networking in finance?

This article examines the question of whether tennis or golf is a better choice for networking in the finance industry. It suggests that golf is the more popular option, as it is a more traditional game that is seen as an important networking tool in the business world. However, tennis is also an option, as it is a more social game and can be used to build relationships. In conclusion, the article suggests that the best option for networking in finance depends on the individual's preferences and networking goals.

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