Home /Golf Articles/ Apex Pro Forged Irons is an artwork
Apex Pro Forged Irons is an artwork
selectworldgolf.co.uk -
Before having a chance to try these clubs, i guess they would perform as what they advertised. And it seems that i was correct. These clubs really creat consistant distance. I really have a good time with these clubs. If you ask me why i love these clubs, i would say everything of these clubs is perfect.
The Callaway APEX Irons have a one-piece, 1020 carbon steel, forged construction designed specifically to deliver a soft and responsive feel – that is also a primary goal of the standard Apex clubs. Low-handicap amateurs face the same dilemma as pros, so Callaway decided to bypass aggressive grooves in the Apex Pro. Callaway as with the standard Apex have added some tungsten weighing in the longer irons to lower the COG a little than more than the previous models to give the golfer a higher launching ball flight in the longer irons, yet have still maintained the higher COG in the short irons to launch the ball a little lower.
In designing the Apex Pro, Callaway wanted to offer all the performance, feel and workability that better players want, but with some new innovations to offer something the better players and the market hadn't seen before. You get more ball speed you get more distance. callaway x hot irons Forged Carbon Steel Body It delivers the soft responsive feel that players demand from a forged club. A thin steel face insert, first seen in the X Hot fairway woods, should generate an extra one to two miles per hour in ball speed to help players hit it further, while a forged carbon steel body should improve the feel on offer.
In addition, the Apex Pro clubface is about 17 percent thinner than the 2013 edition of the callaway x2 hot irons, which improves ball speed. It’s not limited edition, it’s probably not going to sell out, and it’s most definitely not a blade. Even as a X-forged iron player myself chances are I will be putting the Apex Pro irons straight in my bag and there is a high probability that I combine these with the standard apex in the 5 4 & 3 irons. True engineering advancements in the players iron category are rare, but the Apex Pro Iron is a premium and highly technical product that also – as you’ve noticed – looks damn nice.
Generally speaking these clubs are by far the best clubs I've ever owned. I highly recommended these clubs to golf friends who are looking for excellent performance. Trust me, these clubs are really the clubs you need.
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